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Yes, I choose a healthy mind, body and spirit
Ultimate guide to end blockages on your path to self-empowerment.
The proven system for finding your true potential.
Your journey starts here!

Thank you for visiting our TYHN website.
◉ TYHN is a Network where Wellness & Personal Development Experts come together to share their knowledge and experience online.
◉ Pain comes in many forms. Mental and emotional issues can cause physical problems, and, in the same way, physical problems can cause mental and emotional issues.
◉ Being open to an integrative approach - mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, can guide you to attain your best total state of health and wholeness.
Our Experts comprise of Transformational Coaches, Counsellors, Dieticians, Health Coaches and Psychologists.
They offer:
◉ Online and offline individual coaching appointments
◉ Online and offline counselling sessions
◉ Health workshops and programs
◉ Personal development workshops and programs
Whether your issue is a lack of coping skills, a relationship challenge, weight issue, stress, anxiety, loss, money worries, divorce, or in fact, any specific life struggle that you might be currently facing, we are here to help you discover solutions so that you can experience a healthier more empowered life.

Over the past 15 years, the Founders of TYHN, Sian Buckley and Tanya Alberts, have featured on & in:
ITV, SABC 2 News, Wake Up & Live Your Life, Impact Radio, Flits, Kyknet, ANN7 News, Sunday Live SABC1, GrootOntbyt, Aganang, Radio Pretoria FM, Groot FM, Radio Sonder Grense, Power FM, YOU, Huisgenoot.
Start Our Free 3-Week Program
The Proven 7-Step System To Dissolve Limiting Beliefs And Blockages In 21 Days Without Struggle.
◈ Overcome the blockages that are holding you back
◈ Heal past setbacks and unresolved issues
◈ Dissolve limiting beliefs to get what you want